DevWorld Git Slides
The GitButler crew is at DevWorld this weekend and I just gave a talk on Git titled "So You Think You Know Git?". However, since lots of people have seen my FOSDEM version of this talk, I decided at the...

Git Tips and Tricks
Some things that people don’t tend to know about Git anymore, and some new things you might not have noticed.

Git Tips 1: Oldies but Goodies
Do you know some of the cool stuff in Git that's been around for a while? All the magical -L and -C options in the Git world? Let's find out!

Git Tips 2: New Stuff in Git
There are a bunch of new tricks that Git can do that were added in the last few years. How up to date are you?

Git Tips 3: Really Large Repositories
Did you know that Git can handle enormous monorepos like Windows? Let's take a look at how.